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Commercial Access Control and Security Systems

The Challenge

Commercial premises and business parks face two main security challenges: keeping occupants safe, and protecting buildings and contents. Often, the premises are readily accessible to the general public and as such can be targeted by potential vandals and thieves.

Buildings have multiple entry and exit points that need to be secured, and access needs to be restricted to authorized personnel within defined business hours. In many cases the premises are jointly tenanted so have additional requirements around restricting access to individual areas, as well as managing shared facilities such as carparking and common foyers.

Key features an ICT solution provides include:

Advanced Scheduling

Advanced Scheduling

Intelligent time based control of access and energy management, automatically adjusts for daylight savings and holidays.

Elevator Control

Elevator Control

Control access to elevator floors, schedule floor unlocking and even integrate with intruder detection.

Door Alarm Monitoring

Door Alarm Monitoring

Monitor for forced and open too long doors. Send signals offsite via IP Monitoring or ContactID.

Multiple User Credentials

Multiple User Credentials

Up to 8 different credentials supported per user, allowing the use of multi card technologies, biometrics and other credentials.

Discover how an ICT solution can benefit your organization